Are you thinking of selling your house? Or are you getting ready to move into a new home? There’s no better time than spring for a deep cleaning! The days are longer, the sunshine is warmer, and everything looks brighter. With all the extra light, you may be noticing the dust, dirt and clutter that accumulated over the long winter months.  Grab your cleaning supplies and this printable cleaning checklist, and let’s get motivated.

Spring Cleaning for Home Sellers

The housing market starts to heat up in the spring, along with the weather. Not only is a messy house distracting for you as a busy seller, it’s also unappealing to potential buyers.  Start by going through your home with a critical eye and packing away all belongings, like personal items and knick knacks, that are not necessary for the foreseeable future. If you find you can live without some of your stuff, consider having a garage sale or donating it to charity. Next, make sure you are fully stocked with cleaning supplies like trash bags, mop, bucket, sponges, brushes, broom, dustpan, vacuum cleaner, rags, gloves, a recycling bin and your favorite brands of sprays and other solutions.  Open some windows to let in the fresh spring air and provide ventilation if you’re using chemicals. If you don’t have the time or desire to clean yourself, consider hiring a professional! Once your house is tidy and sparkling, you can show it to buyers with pride and focus on finding a new home.

Cleaning Before You Move Out of Your Home

Evaluate your belongings at least a few weeks in advance.  Rather than stuffing everything you own into boxes and bags, make a conscious effort to think about everything you’re packing into a box. Do you need it? If not, a good de-cluttering before you move will save you time and moving costs. Contact Bisson when you’re ready for a free in-home moving estimate. For the items you do decide to keep, are they dusty or dirty? A thorough cleaning before moving day can greatly reduce stress, cut down on dust allergies and make unpacking at your destination a lot easier.

Cleaning Your New Home

Not every seller leaves their home in pristine condition when they move out. It can be difficult to know what to expect when you arrive at your new home, tired from a long day of moving. If possible, get into your new house before your belongings arrive for a thorough cleaning (or arrange to have a cleaning done for you).  The value of having a bath tub that you KNOW is clean at the end of a long moving day, when all you want is a hot shower and a soft pillow, cannot be overstated. Carpets and other floors will be easier to clean before you move furniture into the house. And scrubbing crusty appliances, wiping down grimy baseboards and fishing old pet hair out of heating vents is the last thing you want to worry about when you’re trying to unpack and settle in to your new home.  Download our new home cleaning checklist, invite some friends over, and have a pre-move cleaning party. This will make your moving day feel like a fresh start and you can focus your energy on making your new house feel like your home.